Mickelsen Family goes to Washington...and Gettysburg, and Palmyra, and New York City!!!
I love my family. I love that they come to visit me. I will admit however, I was a little leery when they started sharing some of their ideas about our east coast family vacation. When they said they wanted to visit DC, Gettysburg, Palmyra, and NYC in a week, I got a little nervous. Did they know that DC to Palmyra was at least an 8 hour drive? Did they remember they were only visiting for one week?? I gently reminded them that we would be spending a decent portion of our trip in the car. Turns out, this was one of the things they were looking forward to most of all. Now that the trip is over, I would not have had it any other way. Mickelsen's go big or go home. Thus I share with you, what turned out to be a week of 7 adults acting like we were children again.
Case in point #1: Dad sporting his "bug face" for the camera. This face never gets old.

We had a wonderful visit while in Palmyra, NY. It was neat to share this experience with my siblings.
Other highlights of the trip included:
Going to the top of the Empire State Building (this was a first for me!). (Tangent: we may or may not have played, Jay-Z's, "Empire State of Mind," when we first drove into the city. The modern version of Frank's, New York, New York).

Thanks to Mom & Dad for making this trip happen and coming to visit me! I heart our family!!!