Lately I've really enjoyed having a project to work on. In the last few months I've:
1. Canned Apple-Cranberry Jam (I felt so domestic!)
I think it turned out pretty well. Check out the recipe here.
2. Made a Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle
If you are a pumpkin lover like myself, you must check out this recipe!
3. Painted Pumpkins! This was one of my favorite projects. Melissa, Lisa & I got together for a painting party. I am really happy with how they turned out. Thanks for the idea, Les!
4. Scrapbook Paper Frames. This was my Oct 2011 General Conference project. We used to have a nice sized tv on this media console, but unfortunately Chels took it with her when she moved. None of my roommates were ready to invest in a TV, so this is what I came up with to fill the space. I think it is a great way to add some color to a room. Although it took me a couple of months to actually nail the frames on the wall, I am very pleased with the finished product.
5. Cut my own bangs (with the assistance of Melissa). This is what happens when you're sick for consecutive days, and your hair is driving you crazy. I mean, who really needs to get a professional cut anyway? Don't look too closely. Overall, I am happy with my bangs and think it is a fun change!
6. Pintrest inspired outfit. So this may not be defined as a "project," but I've been obsessed with Pintrest lately, and find so may fashion ideas to try and re-create. The model below inspired my Sunday church outfit. I however, substituted the gray sweater for navy. I am loving my orange skirt!!

What kind of projects have you been up to? I know so many of my friends/family are much more crafty than I. I'd love to hear what you're working on! With Brian's wedding coming up, I have a couple project ideas I am going to start. I also have been working on my DC Bucket List "project" which I will share more about in a future post.
Here's to 2012 and more projects to be completed!!