I first moved to DC back in 2007, when I finished graduate school in New York. I remember feeling confident about my decision to move here. I was coming without a job lined up, in hopes that something would work out. A long four months after I arrived, I started working for Child & Family Services Agency. The pay and benefits felt right, but truthfully, I never thought I would work in foster care. I started my job with CFSA working in their teen unit as a case carrying social worker. My caseload was anywhere from 10-15 cases at a time. I conducted home visits, reported to court, took them to appointments, moved them to appropriate placements, etc. This was not an easy task. The emotional trauma these kids experienced, and the level of emotional instability was much greater than I'd imagined. I remember thinking I'd be lucky if I lasted one year. Eventually I became more comfortable, less stressed out, and was able to separate my personal and work life. A couple of years later, I transitioned to a consultative social work position. This position change was much needed, as I felt very burned out from case carrying. With the new position, I trained social workers around transition planning for youth exiting the foster care system, trained around the Ansell Casey Life Skills Assessment tool, planned and participated in youth life skills training's, and co-facilitated youth transition planning meetings. I loved the program development/planning aspect of this new position. I still got to interact with youth on a regular basis, but wasn't solely in charge of their case.
After almost 5 years with the Agency, I decided a change was needed. Yesterday was my last day as an employee for Child & Family Services. It is a strange feeling to leave somewhere you've become so comfortable with. I was fortunate to work with a high caliber group of people, which made it even more difficult to leave. My decision to start a job with a public charter school in the District feels similar to how I felt when I decided to move to DC. Although it was sad to say goodbye to something so great, I am excited to start a new adventure in the schools. I begin my new job on March 26th. It is a school social work position. I will be writing mental health IEP goals, and working with the students 1:1 for individual therapy, in addition to group work. I am hoping to get an opportunity to coach. I am really trying to talk Katie and Brian into moving out here, so Brian can be my assistant coach. Can you imagine two Mickelsen siblings coaching an inner city girls basketball team? Sounds pretty fantastic to me!
Here are some pics of my former co-workers:

My fabulous IL team: Emily D., Kasandra D., Me, Dwayne G., Tracie N., Lisa K.

They took me to Color Me Mine and each painted something they wanted me to remember them by, followed by dinner at Marconi Grill!

Near my old cubicle. Yes. I worked for DC Government and have worked in a cubicle the last 4 + years. I will have my own office at the school--and it even comes with a couch!

Katrice P., Me, Emily D. I am especially going to miss Em. We started around the same time, and have been in the same unit since. I am going to try and convince her to join me at the school!! Thank you CFSA friends for the good times! Now off to try something new, and hope to meet individuals as great as this group!!