Saturday, December 20, 2008

Vacation Updates

Day 1: Arrived in Seattle, WA. I fortunately made my connecting flight in Dallas, TX. It was a long day flying, but so worth it to be home!

Day 2: The weather in Seattle was quite stormy. I stayed in the house and played with Haley and Nat. Haley showed me her new tutu Lesley made her. Doesn't get much cuter than this! Haley and I also made sure I toes were painted pretty for Christmas. Natalie is the sweetest, smiley baby! My favorite is when she puts her little hands on my face for a kiss. Brian finally arrived, after his flight was delayed 6 hours!

Day 3: CHRISTMAS for the girls! Jared & Lesley are headed to UT for Christmas, so Haley and Natalie got to open their gifts early. The Huff family doesn't mess around. Lesley and Jared woke Brian and I up at 7:30a.m. They even woke Haley up to open presents!

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Natlie loves her new toy! She was rocking out to the music, and loved checking herself out in that mirror!

Haley is very into Disney Princesses. Here Haley is showing off her new Little Mermaid outfit.

Haley tearing open more gifts!

I absolutely love being an aunt. It really is too much fun. These girls are the sweetest, and I can't get enough of them!

Day 4: Brian and I safely made it over the pass, and arrived home to mom and dad. We were welcomed home with a nice, warm meal! I love going home and spending time with my family! We even decided to do a little takes #1! I noticed this picture hanging on the refrigerator--my parents goofing off in a photo booth! I love it.


Lisa said...

Its like a little Christmas miracle seeing such a fun post from you! I am so glad you are having a good time and being such a good aunt! There really is nothing better! Merry Christmas!

Adam said...

WOW! Hailey is cute. Almost as beautiful as her aunt.

You are having so much fun and I love it.

Now I must kindly disagree with Lisa about nothing better than being a good aunt :) Being a good uncle is just a bit better. Of course, I'm not going to paint my toe nails with my nieces... although they do, do my hair...

maWeesa said...

LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE HAVING SOME FUN TIMES!! And I have to agree with you.. being an aunt is the BEST!

cindee said...

it looks like you had such fun! i wish we could go back to la la land and permanent vacay!

Julie said...

I love your family! You look so cute too. And your parents are so cute!