Sunday, January 4, 2009

"Bye Buddy, Hope you find your dad!"

Why we take pictures on Christmas morning, I don't know! But every year we take plenty of Christmas day shots, and they are always awful! We didn't have the girls this Christmas, so we got to sleep in a little. Sleeping in a little at my house on Christmas morning was 7:45a.m. After we opened gifts, we ate a yummy breakfast, and enjoyed the rest of our Christmas day.

Brian and I did a little fashion show with some of our new gifts. Brian gets nice, new clothes, and I got work-out attire. What are my parents trying to tell me??! Just kidding! I love my new work-out outfit!

I took this picture before Haley left for Utah. A kid in feety pj's is the way to my heart. Isn't she adorable in her Dora pj's??
Dinner & Movie night with the fam! (Dad, Lauren, Mom)

This is our backyard. We don't usually get too much snow in the TC. This winter we got about 8 inches.
It was so nice to spend some time with my parents and siblings. Living so far away from home can be difficult at times. It was nice to go home and get rejuvenated! Thank you mom and dad for a wonderful vacation! How grateful I am for my family!!!


Lesley said...

Cute pics of the fam! Looks like you guys had a fun time! I can't believe all the snow! That is crazy. Thanks for flying thru Seattle! I am so glad that I was able to see you even for a couple of days!!! Love you!

Lesley said...

P.S. Love your header! I got Elf in my stocking this year! YESSSSSS!!!