Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Over the last several days, I've had the opportunity to participate in the inauguration festivities. What a fun, exciting, COLD, and crowded weekend it was. The weekend started off right when I purchased my very own, "I Heart Obama" t-shirt. Don't worry, my shirt was well worth the $14.99 I spent on it, as I wore it Friday night, Sunday, & Tuesday.

Sunday afternoon Adam & I headed down to the Mall to participate in the free, public concert at the Lincoln Memorial. There were projector screens, & speakers set up everywhere. We made it as far as the World War II Memorial. The event honored Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and other forefathers of this great Nation. We got to sing-a-long to patriotic songs sung by some of my favorite musicians. Those of you who know me well, know that I get pretty giddy when it comes to singing patriotic music. I love events such as this that bring Americans together to celebrate the freedoms we enjoy today.

Some of the celebs that attended the concert: Tom Hanks (at least we got a classy celeb to pay tribute to Abraham Lincoln)
James Taylor
BONO, BONO, BONO, BONO, BONO, BONO, BONO, BONO, BONO, BONO, BONO!!!! I kind of went nuts when he sang, Pride.
Mr. President himself, Barack Obama. Others in attendance: Bruce Springsteen, John Cougar-Mellencamp, Bob Seeger, Stevie Wonder, Garth Brooks, Usher, and singing the closing song, "America the Beautiful, Beyonce.

Monday, we decided to go on a day trip to Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson. We went on a guided tour of the home. I enjoyed touring the house, furnishings, and learning a little about the architecture. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, was indeed an inspired man.
January 20, 2009: Thanks to my lovely roommate, I got a purple ticket for the big event. A group of us left early Tuesday morning, clothed in many, many layers. Despite the low temperature, we were determined to participate in the excitement going on in our city! We didn't have any trouble getting there, however the madness began as soon as we stepped out of the metro. We stood in line for a couple of hours, and moved only a block or two in that time. During our time in line, ambulances tried to maneuver there way through the crowds to attend to emergencies. I couldn't believe how many people were there. Every direction you looked, masses of people stood, trying to inch their way to the National Mall. Unfortunately, our gate closed when we were about 100 feet from the gate. Ticket holders were quite upset. We were a little disappointed, but it was just fun to be down there amongst the crowds of people. What an exciting day in DC!

Adam, Lisa, & Kevin
Lisa, Michele, & Adam
After we found out the gate was closed, we headed over to Adi's office in the Senate building. We attended a Utah Delegation Party, where food, and hot chocolate was served. It was nice to get inside, away from the freezing cold! The coolest part, was when we watched the Marine One fly away from the Capitol. We had a direct view to the Capitol from where we were. Although I am excited for a new Presidency in the WH, it was sad to say goodbye to President Bush, and Laura. I am very grateful for their service and devotion to our country. I was disappointed to hear people booing the former President at the Inauguration ceremony. As Brian would say, "Respect the office, tolerate the occupant!"
Adi took us on a tour of Senator Hatch's office. I was hoping we could have jammed to a little Hatch/JKP medley (Janice Kapp Perry). A special thanks to Adi for the tickets and a fun celebration at the Hart Building.
Let's hope the next four years bring growth, security, and a better America! I am hopeful!!


Adam said...

Great write up Michele! Go-Bama... Why didn't I think of that? :) I didn't know you were such a UTAH fan. You are making such great progress. You wore red to the Sugarbowl for the Utes, then you attended the delagation. I bet you'll be going there in spring time or something...
I heard there was a bomb scare at the inauguration or something?

Kristen said...

How fun! I heard that some people with tickets weren't getting through--that is such a bummer. But I'm glad you had a good time anyways! And that concert at the Lincoln Memorial looked awesome! Lucky girl!!

Lesley said...

What a fun weekend! That would have been great to join in on all of the festivities!!! However, I don't know if I would have paid $14.99 for that shirt! :) Cute pictures (minus the first one!) Love ya!

matt said...
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Kristen said...

I'm so jealous of our fun inauguration festivities. You're so lucky! :)

smartchelsea said...

I HEART OBAMA!! I guess we Obama fans have to stick together. I made my nephews where there obama t-shirts this last weekend too:)

smartchelsea said...

I HEART OBAMA!! I guess we Obama fans have to stick together. I made my nephews where there obama t-shirts this last weekend too:)

Lisa said...

I am so glad we could share in the madness that was Inaugration Day!

lybberty said...

Your "classy" celeb, Tom Hanks, had this to say about Mormons:

"The truth is this takes place in Utah, the truth is these people are some bizarre offshoot of the Mormon Church, and the truth is a lot of Mormons gave a lot of money to the church to make Prop-8 happen,” he told Tarts. “There are a lot of people who feel that is un-American, and I am one of them."

Joseph said...

It was great to see you there. I was exhausted.

Julie said...

How cool that you got to be part of that! Fun! hope you are doing well!

DB said...

You guys look so cute all bundled up in your coats and hats! Way to represent the rest of us local bums who didn't brave the crowds.

Ani B said...

whoops, sorry, the DB comment was mine, using Daniel's computer.

Carrie or Kyle said...

please see our blog