So, I talked to my brother Stephen on the phone tonight for an hour. It put me in such a good mood! I am going to take a moment to brag about my brother. Stephen has a desire to do what is right. Stephen also is one of the funniest people I know. He seriously cracks me up. He also has the softest heart, and will be such a good missionary. He is getting anxious to receive his call! We talked about this summer, when the entire family would be together. Everyone is getting excited for Brian to come home! Living in New York City, I have got to see and do some pretty fun things! But really, nothing compares to hanging out with my family. Then I called my mom (I am lucky she talked to me during American Idol) and we also started talking about how fun it will be to have everyone together! I look forward to family basketball games, Barbeque's, DDR, rounds of Mafia (maybe not so much, the Mickelsen crew tends to get a little competitive with games), catch phrase, walks around the golf course trail, sitting out on the patio talking, Sunday dinners, playing with Haley, throwing the football around, measuring to see who is the tallest, watching seasons of the Office, rockin' out to Tom Petty, Cat Stevens, and Paul Simon, gospel discussions, scrap booking, wake boarding on the Columbia, etc, etc. Right after I ended the conversation with my mom, Lesley called! I was on the phone for probably a couple of hours tonight...and I loved every minute. So...pretty much I had an ideal night talking to my favorite people.