I am kind of new at the whole blogging thing, so I thought I would share some random facts about myself. My great roommate gave me the idea to do this, so she deserves all of the credit. Let me introduce you to her, looking her finest, straight out of Harlem, the love of my life...MELISSA HARRISON!

1. I am from Kennewick, WA and am proud of it!
2. I am the second oldest of 6 children
3. I love Broadway shows (Wicked is my current favorite)
4. Basketball is my passion
5. My family means everything to me
6. I am a fan of Grey's Anatomy
7. I love road trips, and vacations
8. I am my neice's favorite Aunt
9. huge BYU football fan (did you catch the Las Vegas Bowl?)
10. prank phone calls get me into trouble
11. my friends call me powerhouse
12. love to read a good thriller novel (John Grisham)
13. I am a member of the "bug kingdom" my fam is a little crazy
14. i was 2 months premature
15. love to shop at banana
16. my ankle pops when I walk
17. Tom Petty is my favorite
18. Talk to my sister almost everyday
17. I live in NYC, and am living it up
18. wakeboarding on the columbia is a favorite
19. John Stockton is the best point guard of all time
20. Jack Bauer and I have the same phone
21. fall asleep in class, church occasionally
22. dancing is an all-time favorite!
23. enjoy making out in a love sac
24. I learned my shoe size is 6 1/2 rather than 8...ooops
25. my parents are my best friends
26. I usually root for the underdog
27. I am a social worker
28. Wouldn't mind hooking up with McDreamy
29. Love to take 3pt shots
30. I have a soft heart
31. I wish I had an ipod
32. prefer playing basketball with boys
33. I love the gospel
34. Love Harrison Ford in the Fugative
35. I love naps after church
36. love seafood, especially crab!
37. value education
38. analyze boy situations
39. people watcher
40. Love to dance to Like A Prayer
41. Like to be pampered
42. Enjoy the outdoors...hiking, swimming, cliff jumping
43. Varsity high school players could not handle the WNBA
44. love to laugh
45. kind of an organizer
46. big time shopper
47. enjoy taking pictures, and creating photo album pages
48. I secretly wish I could perform on "So You Think You Can Dance"
49. think McDreamy is pretty attractive
50. family goal is to Meet in Manti
51. I love Sunday treats
52. playing cards
53. hugs
54. going out to dinner with my family
55. wear different earings everyday
56. fan of facebook
57. new to blogging
58. wish I was a runner
59. good friend
60. recently purchased a new coat
61. pick my nails
62. have an elf ear
63. love to watch goofy movies (ELF) with my brothers
64. think my sisters are beautiful
65. enjoy working out, lifting weights
66. positive person
67. get annoyed with high maintenance people
68. fan of chick flicks
69. pink and blue are my fav colors
70. play the piano
71. considered entering a beauty pagent as a joke
72. like to plan parties
73. giggle late at night
74. God Bless the USA (love patriotic music)
75. grateful for my family and friends
76. wish I knew where I was going to live after graduation
77. like to take a lot of pictures
78. wish skiing wasn't so expensive
79. played volleyball in high school
80. intramural girls bball champs at byu
81. like to play flag football
82. admire my mother
83. proud to be a Mickelsen
84. hope to volunteer in Africa
85. fan of Phil Mickelson (got to love the lefty)
86. respect and seek advice from my dad
87. hated running the 800m
88. yes, I lived at Liberty Square
89. love a cherry coke
90. good memories: family road trips, singing sound of music at the top of our lungs
91. cancun trip with the holla house girls
92. frisby in sugar house park
93. hiking in moab
94. my green paseo..miss that car!
95. driving with the windows down, and the music up
96. opening game at cougar stadium...go cougs!
97. ann taylor loft
98. game nights
99. love life and am grateful for all that I've been given
100. love my dad and happy he is home!