Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Back to the Grind

So yesterday was my first day back to school! My morning didn't get off to the greatest start. Mel and I are walking to school and we run into our professor from hell. After an awkward interaction, I was quickly reminded of why I am so sick of school. This morning I had to attend a meeting at school, and guess who is on the elevator when I have to go up...this awful professor! She really is terrible. Anyway, on a positive teacher's this semester seem very interesting and knowledgeable. I am excited. I am taking a class, "Social Work Practice with Couples", and my professor handed out a funny article. You may have read this before, but I will just highlight some of the funny points in the article.

The Good Wife's Guide (Housekeeping Monthly 13 May 1955)

-Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready, on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you have been thinking about him and are concerned about his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the prospect of a good meal (especially his favourite dish) is part of the warm welcome needed.

- Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him. His boring day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it.

-Over the cooler months of the year you should prepare and light a fire for him to unwind by. Your husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order, and it will give you a lift too. After all, catering for his comfort will provide you with immense personal satisfaction.

-Arrange his pillow and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soothing and pleasant voice.

-A good wife always knows her place.

Alright now know how to make your marriage and relationships successful! Get to it!

1 comment:

Lesley said...

I am so sorry that you had to run into that awful professor!! What did you say....anything? How annoying-you thought you were done with her! That article was pretty funny. According to that I really need to get to it! Ya right!