Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Mickelsen Clan

It is a Wednesday night. I am tired, and should go to bed soon. My thoughts are with my family. I miss them! The last couple of nights I take my laptop to bed with me and view all of my pictures from the last year. Over the last few months, the importance of family and the role they play in my life, has taken on a new meaning for me. You may be reading this thinking to yourself, “this entry is extremely cheesy”, but I write what's on my mind. Tonight, I feel very grateful for my immediate and extended family. I am overwhelmed by the kindness and love extended to my family continuously. It is easy to get distracted, and get caught up in the material things of the world. I am grateful for experiences that require me to slow down and remember the things that matter most. Anyway, thanks for putting up with the ultra cheese…I just wanted to give a shout out to the Mickelsen fam, and all my extended family and let them know I am grateful for the role they play in my life!


Lesley said...

Hi! I miss and love our family too! I have actually been feeling that same way lately, just grateful for family, immediate and extended. Have a great day! Love you lots! Les

D-dawg said...

I love your family too. Thanks for sharing those cute pictures.

angie said...

I love the pictures! I love our family (extended) and the Mickelsen fam.