Sunday, March 2, 2008

Over the Rainbow

Right now I am kind of obsessed with American Idol. I spent some time on youtube the other night, and came across this video. I know many of you have already seen this video, but every time I watch it, I tear up. As cheesy as that sounds, this little girl is adorable and AMAZING! This is her audition video. I love that the musicians on Britain's Got Talent are your next door neighbor type, and don't necessarily look the part. Did you get a chance to watch last season's winner, Paul Potts? If not, you should check him out on Youtube. Amazing!


Julie said...

What an adorable little girl! I love American Idol right now too, I forget when it is, so I don't watch it, I just follow the articles and watch a lot of the youtubes. I love speed. Why don't you move here and be my next door neighbor and we can play speed and stuff all day!

Lesley said...

Oh!!! SO SWEET and SO GOOD!!! WOW!!! She is adorable. I think I have watched this clip like 20 times! Too cute! I love her little toothless smile!

Jared said...

Wow!!! I'm not surprised Simon asked if that was really her singing. She sounds better than most people three times her age.