Saturday, October 20, 2007

Thank You!

This last week marks the year of my dad's emergency. What a year it has been. I have been thinking a lot about this time last year. I am reminded of how blessed and looked out for I felt. So many wonderful people reached out and extended their love and support. To these individuals, I will forever be grateful.
Thank you to wonderful nurses who spent many, many hours with my father and comforting my family. Thank you to my beautiful family. I now have a greater understanding and appreciation for eternal families. Thank you to my friends for the kindness and love you expressed to me during this time. Living in New York and being so far away was difficult for me. However, I know that special people were in my life at that time to take care of me, and helped to provide comfort and peace. I am especially grateful to my elder brother, Jesus Christ. I am grateful for a Savior, a best friend, who has personally experienced the agony my family was going through. I am grateful for the opportunity we get to exercise faith in our lives and feel encircled by the love of our Savior.


Kristen said...


I can't believe how grown-up your family looks! I remember hanging out at your house when Lauren was in a CRIB! Time goes by so quickly..

I'm so glad your dad has made such a great recovery. I know he had my entire family, as well as an entire stake, praying for him!

D-dawg said...

Michele, what your family went through was so so hard. I love you guys so much and am so glad everything turned out the way it did.