Friday, October 12, 2007


Not sure why, but I can't seem to get myself to blog lately. So here is my best attempt to update friends and family of my DC adventures.
Last weekend was throughly enjoyable. I had the opportunity to watch General Conference and feel of President Hinckley's love, and listen to his counsel along with other church leaders. I noticed a change in myself this conference. I think this is a true indication that I am getting older, and hopefully wiser :) In past years, my attempts to stay awake during all sessions of conference have not been too successful. This year, I only felt a little sleeping during the last session...I'm making progress! I also was much more energized to watch Saturday sessions, which is a change from past years. I very much appreciated their inspired and hopeful words. I love conference because it is a time to pick ourselves up and try a little harder. Most often the messages aren't anything we haven't heard before, however they are the exact words I need to hear. I was especially touched by Elder Spencer Condie's talk. Elder Condie spoke of the great principle of faith. He spoke of patience, long suffering and enduring to the end and how these are all components of faith. He then quoted Genesis 30:22, "And God remembered Rachel." He concluded his talk, "And just as God remembered Rachel, God will remember you." We truly do live in an instant gratification society, and often times want immediate answers. I am grateful for this gentle reminder that the Lord's timetable will and can differ than our own and He will NEVER forget us. Elder Condie spoke with such conviction and truth. If you didn't have the chance to watch, I recommend watching it online.
It is tradition to have Saturday evening be a Girl's night over conference weekend. My friends and I definitely made it a true girl's night: shopping and chocolate fondu! A group of us went to the Melting Pot for a little dessert. Well, that at least was the plan. Once we arrived, we were quickly persuaded to order a cheese fondu as well. Fun night with the ladies!

The weekend continued with Sunday brunch at our house. Basically you all wish you could have been there. Together we made: banana pancakes, m&m pancakes, turkey bacon, monkey break, quiche, strawberries, orange juice...ah it was delicious! We were quite happy with ourselves. Here my friends Erika and Ani show off the masterpiece brunch!

Monday was Columbus Day...thank you Columbus for giving me a day off of work! Sometimes it pays to work for the government! I slept in, cleaned my room, ran a few errands, went to the gym, scrapbooked (rocked out to my show tunes and a little George Winston), got a mani and pedi, read! It was wonderful. I seriously loved a day to myself. We get so scheduled and busy sometimes and forget how healthy and truly needed it is to take a day for ourselves.

The work week was pretty uneventful except that I got to visit with a good friend from my Barlow Center days, over dinner! She was visiting DC, interviewing at various law firms. We ate at Bertucci's, a yummy Italian restaurant in Old Town Alexandria. (Insert tangent)Have I ever blogged about my love for Old Town? I think I may need to dedicate an entire post. It is beautiful. I love walking the cobblestone streets, window shopping, and admiring the rich history in this charming little area in Alexandria. Anyway, back to my great friend was great to catch up and see this girl!

Thursday night was exciting for one other reason...I BOUGHT MY TICKET TO GO HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!!! I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it! OH YEAH!!! Definitely missing my family, and definitely ready to go home. That way overpriced ticket will be worth it when the crazy Mickelsen crew gets together. Ahhh I can't wait!

Tonight I went and saw the movie, Jane Austen's Book Club. I was a fan. There were definitely some parts in the movie they could have done without. I am pretty much in love with Grigg, Hugh Darcy. He was quite charming and fantastic! This movie, along with my girlfriends in NYC, have inspired me to start a book club. My friends and I decided tonight that we are going to do it! I am in charge of choosing the first book...where to begin?!

Well there you have it. Nothing extremely eventful! Life is good. TGIF!!!


D-dawg said...

Michele, Elder Condie's talk really touched me too. It was what I'd been hoping to hear. I love conference. And go for it with the book club! I am in 2 of them and LOVE IT!

Kristen said...

Michele, I dig the black dress and red shoes! Way to rock it cosmo-style.

nerak said...

1) Love the red shoes.

2) Hugh Dancy is a dreamboat.


4) Book clubs are so fun, you should do it!

Lisa said...

Whoa! Sounds like I missed out on a whole lot of fun and M&M pancakes...are you kidding me?! I am also very, very excited you got your ticket to go home, any amount of money is worth time spent with family!

Lesley said...

Fun weekend! I am SOOOOOO excited and anxious to see you at Christmas! PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! WHOOOOO! I want to go see that movie! And I too, loved conference. Miss you!