Saturday, July 5, 2008

Weekend in NYC!

Last weekend I ventured to NYC on the Chinatown bus to witness the wedding party of a lifetime. Seriously. I am still amazed at how nice everything was. It was definitely the fanciest wedding reception I ever attended.

Thursday night I met up with my girls and ate at one of my favorite places in the UWS, Isabella's. This weekend happened to be Kristan's last weekend in the city! Friday morning I woke up and headed to 72nd. I love strolling around this area of NYC. I found myself in Sephora, purchasing a couple necessary items, of course! I then had myself the gray's papaya special :) I took a walk around Lincoln Center and then met up with the wedding party at the temple. It was a perfect day for a wedding in NYC. It was wonderful to see some of my closest family friends at the Temple. Matt and Noelle looked breathtaking!!

Later that night we headed to the reception...a party of a lifetime! We danced, and ate, and ate some more. Let's just say I thought the appetizers were dinner. The dessert presentation was one of my favorite moments of the night. Yes, there was really fireworks, water fountains, ice sculptures, and a chocolate fountain.

Saturday night we went to Curtains, starring David Hyde Pierce. He was AMAZING in it...seriously, so funny! I randomly met up with one of my FAVORITE roommates at BYU later that night. I didn't even know she was living in NYC. So good to see you, Jess! One of the best parts of the evening may have been Jake riding the mechanical bull. I never knew it was in him!

Overall, a wonderful weekend with family, and friends! I love the Lybbert family! I love Mel and Kristan. I love NYC.


Meredith said...

your life just looks SO FUN! when do i get to live in NY?

Lesley said...

What a fun time! Glad you were able to go and see the Lybberts!!! I really like your shoes!