Sunday, September 23, 2007

Welcome Fall

I hesitate to welcome in the fall season, although I truly do love this time of year. It does make me a little sad to put away my flip flops and shorts. I love, love, LOVE the warm weather and summer nights. However, I do love a change in seasons. So fall, I officially welcome you. It is a good opportunity to start new goals, make needed improvements in our lives, and start watching evening television! ha. Because I somewhat fear the cold weather, I've decided to make a list of things I love about the fall. This will help remind me how great this time of year can be!

1. Back-to-School/Work shopping. Growing up, we would go back-to-school shopping every year. Fortunately (unfortunate for my pocket book) I have continued this tradition in my later years.

2. College Football. Yea for the cougs victory this weekend! Too bad for the Utes.

3. Television. The next seasons of my favorite shows are coming right up. I may have cheated and watched the premier of FNL online...I loved it! I can't wait for the Office!

4. The leaves change colors! I love evening drives/walks in the fall. It is absolutely gorgeous in this area. I kind of want to drive to upstate New York this time of year...any takers?!

5. HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!! Holiday season gets me really excited. This time of year there is much more emphasis on serving and giving to others. I love it. I love holiday music, festivities, decorations, foods, etc. I need to start thinking about my Halloween costume. We'll have to save that thought for another post.

6. Change in wardrobe. By the end of the summer I am missing my fall clothes. It is fun to get my jackets, and pants out and wear things for the "first" time of the season.

7. General Conference. In a couple of weeks I get to listen to President Hinckley and all the others leaders of my church.

8. The closer we approach the holiday season, the sooner I get to see my family! Oh how I miss that Mickelsen crew.

9. Hot Chocolate/ Starbucks Steamers. It is not cold enough yet for this, but I am easily talked into a toffee nut steamer. Delicious!

10. Routine. Summer is great(probably my favorite season)! It is a very laid back, relaxing time of year. Especially after being unemployed all summer, I look forward to having more structure and routine in my life.

Anyway, this by no means is a comprehensive list of why I love the fall! I am just excited for changes the new season brings.


janellelee said...

cute! i am likewise a little sad to put away all my summer gear. i am so not ready for winter. i should make a list like you did! i feel for you on the spider issues in the house. i am starting to feel like our house was built on a spider nest of some sorts. it is getting sick. what did you think of the iranian speaker today at columbia???

Lesley said...

Good list! I too, LOVE summer but fall is a close second! Here it is, ready or not! I too, can't wait until we get to see you!!!! LOVED the comment about the Cougs vs. the Utes! ha!

Lisa said...

I love fall. And fall in DC is fantastic...and you forgot one TV shows!

Lisa said...

Oh, wow...I am a totally mentioned new TV shows...maybe I need to pay attention more. SORRY.