Wow. Has it been a crazy last week or what?! Last week my parents came to NYC for graduation. Mel and I graduated Wednesday, May 16th. Whooo!! Done with Columbia, and done with spending way too much money in the city. Relief. I had a good time showing my parents around the city. We went and saw two broadway shows: Frost/Nixon and Les Miserables. Frost/Nixon is a re-enactment of the interviews that took place with Robert Frost and President Nixon. I actually really enjoyed it and need to check out those videos and watch the real interviews. "Lez Miz" as they are calling it, was wonderful. It has such an uplifting, inspiring message, and of course the music is amazing. After graduation, we loaded up my stuff in a rental van and headed for DC. I am actually living in Alexandria, VA about 15 miles out of the district. I love my new townhouse! It is nice and spacious compared to the box I lived in, in NYC. Everything is brand new, and I am loving it. I made my first big purchase, a Honda Civic!! I am all grown up now. It was actually kind of stressful. Am I allowed to admit, I may have shed a few tears at the dealership!? Money can be stressful, especially when you don't have a job and income flowing in. Anyway, I felt good about my decision, and love my new black Honda civic! It is wonderful to be driving again, and not having to sight rats in the subways! I wish I could post pictures of my new place and car...but unfortunately I have misplaced my camera...a little nervous about that! Hopefully it will turn up soon, and I can share pics of graduation, and my new life in Virginia.
I spent my first night in my new place sleeping on the ground! My bed was supposed to be delivered that night, but they never came. Luckily I got it the next day, and slept wonderful last night. I went to my new ward for the first time yesterday. I actually new a handful of people from past BYU wards and my ward in SLC. That was kind of a fun surprise. Sometimes it is really annoying to have to start over meeting people. It is such a time investment. You feel that you should attend every social opportunity just to get your face out there, when really you don't want to go. Then you have to endure superficial conversations and repeatedly tell your story (where you're from, what you're doing, blah blah blah). I guess that sounded a little negative, huh?! Really, I am excited to be here and meet new people. It is a nice break to interact with people who really know who you friends and family expect a phone call from me!
Okay this is getting kind of long and boring....but one more thing. Can the Jazz PLEASE win on Tuesday night?! I cannot handle them playing as poorly as they did on Sunday. Get your heads into the game Jazz! Alright, enough from me! Wish me luck in the job hunt, and hopefully I can share some pictures soon!! Miss you all.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Girls Night Out
During the last week, I've tried to spend as much time with these girls as possible! Thursday night we headed to Spotlight, a fun karaoke restaurant located in Time Square. Kelly, our karaoke superstar, continues to win over her audience. KZ and I got the courage to give it a try on stage as well with a little Grease, Summer Nights. The great part is, your performance is displayed on a big screen outside in Time Square for all to see! Fun times! Thanks to Mel for organizing a great night.
My Friday night date night was spent with one of my favorite people ever, the lovely Ms. Campbell. It was a beautiful night so we opted to find a place to eat outside. The 79th Street Boat Basin Cafe is a fun little joint that overlooks the water. We had some classy NYC food: nachos and a cheeseburger! Yummy.

Man, I am going to miss these girls! My girlfriends in the city have definitely made my experience so much more enjoyable. You all better come to DC often to visit!!
My NYC Girls

Friday, May 11, 2007
It seems like yesterday that...
Mel and I boarded the plane for NYC, I accidentally rammed a lady with my suitcase and cut her arm, and then tried to hide while she came looking for me on the plane, got conned into taking a taxi to our apartment at $45.00 each for a grand total of NINETY buckaroos(note to visitors: there is a standard $45.00 taxi fee from JFK into the city), scored big time by having a friend that works for MAC make-up, finally broke down and decided we needed to buy air conditioners to survive the heatwave, carry our newly bought, HEAVY air conditioners to the subway (we were frugal then and opted not to spend money on cabs...oh how things have changed!), purchased our cruiser bikes, attended our first roof top party in the big apple, were introduced to money bags, attended the school-hosted booze cruise, committed to being Yankee fans (except when they play the mariners), discovered our favorite local diner, Deluxe, all-night friends and grey's marathons on the air mattress, vowed to never prank phone call again late at night, the holla house came to visit NYC, Mel, Nat and I dressed up as goth angels two nights in a row for Halloween parties, got makeovers at Sephora for 80's Prom night, took a road trip to Beantown on the Fung Wah Bus, etc. etc. The list could continue, but you get the point. I had some pretty fun times in NYC! Mel and I lived it up while we have been here.

Mel and I boarded the plane for NYC, I accidentally rammed a lady with my suitcase and cut her arm, and then tried to hide while she came looking for me on the plane, got conned into taking a taxi to our apartment at $45.00 each for a grand total of NINETY buckaroos(note to visitors: there is a standard $45.00 taxi fee from JFK into the city), scored big time by having a friend that works for MAC make-up, finally broke down and decided we needed to buy air conditioners to survive the heatwave, carry our newly bought, HEAVY air conditioners to the subway (we were frugal then and opted not to spend money on cabs...oh how things have changed!), purchased our cruiser bikes, attended our first roof top party in the big apple, were introduced to money bags, attended the school-hosted booze cruise, committed to being Yankee fans (except when they play the mariners), discovered our favorite local diner, Deluxe, all-night friends and grey's marathons on the air mattress, vowed to never prank phone call again late at night, the holla house came to visit NYC, Mel, Nat and I dressed up as goth angels two nights in a row for Halloween parties, got makeovers at Sephora for 80's Prom night, took a road trip to Beantown on the Fung Wah Bus, etc. etc. The list could continue, but you get the point. I had some pretty fun times in NYC! Mel and I lived it up while we have been here.
Right off the Plane

Favorite Aunt
Graduation is next week. Then I move to DC. Next in line is a trip to Utah. FINALLY...I get to go to Washington and see my cute, little niece! Yes, I am very excited to see the rest of the family but, I do get to talk to them on the phone weekly. It has been hard being so far away from my first niece. My sister Lauren and I like to argue that we are the favorite aunt. I am afraid she may be the current favorite, however that's all going to change when I get home! I am missing out on all her little tricks. I am told her latest trick is rolling over on her she just needs to figure out how to maneuver those arms and legs and crawl! Haley is the first grandchild and has played quite the role in our family. I remember while dad was in the hospital, Haley was the peacemaker, a comforter, an escape from reality, a breath of fresh air! It amazed me how much comfort I found in a little child. Anyway, I am just getting very excited to see her and thought I would share! Isn't she adorable?!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
The packing begins
Melissa and I started the dreaded job of packing today. It is always seems so overwhelming at first. Ah...where to begin! Mel and I both decided we have too many clothes. I need to simplify my life. My parents would be proud to know that I have a pretty significant give-away pile. If I haven't worn something in the last year, I am tossing it. This is hard for me to do. For example, I sometimes feel the need to keep an old pair of shoes for camping purposes, or mowing the lawn. Really though, when was the last time I mowed a lawn?! Old t-shirts also come in handy for service projects, and cleaning the house. In the last couple of years, I feel like I've moved quite a bit. Provo-DC-SLC-NYC-DC. Hopefully DC will be a place to settle for a few years.
Mel had to take a break!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
TBH revisited

So we finally had a TBH (Troop Beverly Hills) movie night with the girls! And can I say it was FABULOUS just FABULOUS! I think it was even more fun to watch it with girls who hadn't seen it before. Bryndee, Kristan and Kelly...I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do! Although we didn't have girl scout cookies for dessert, Kellie provided yummy brownies and yogurt covered pretzels (my favorite)! I wanted to give out a few patches myself:
KC: The spontaneous traveler patch, and Team I love Tim Riggins Patch
Kristan: ABC family movie appreciation patch, pop culture elitist patch, and say what's on your mind patch.
KZ: Hook up on vacations patch (new year's and SF :) and Addicted to Hot Chocolate patch
Kelly: Superstar Karaoke patch, and future MAC make-up artist patch
Jane: ROB the cradle patch (no pun intended) and loudest voice projection patch
Bryndee: Most money spent at Banana Republic Patch, Escape to New Hampshire with secret lover patch.
Michele: World's Greatest Lover Patch :)
Beverly Hills what a thrill!!
***a post full of inside jokes, please accept my apologies
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Go Jazz Go!
I miss him...
Perhaps him a little more...

However, I remain a Jazz fan. No, I am not a Jazz fan because they play in the Mormon state. My love for the Jazz began because I respect fundamental basketball. I loved watching Stockton, Malone, Hornacek, Russell, and even Eisley had his good moments. Stockton and I also share Washington pride. Stockton played for his hometown university, the Gonzaga Bulldogs. Stockton was the first player in Gonzaga history to score 1,000 points and also collect 500 assists. John Stockton was selected by the Jazz in the 1984 draft. And the rest is history. Steve Nash (another favorite of mine) said this about John, "He is the best point guard of all-time". Enough about the old team, and on with the current team! The beginning of the playoffs was a little rough on the Jazz. With game 3, and 4 victories we are back in the playoffs and need a WIN on Thursday night. I know my grandparents will be listening to the game on the radio, because they don't have cable. My grandma WILL NOT miss a chance to root for her Kirilenko. I never have been a huge fan of the Rockets....EVER! Get em' out of the playoffs! Good luck on Thursday night!

However, I remain a Jazz fan. No, I am not a Jazz fan because they play in the Mormon state. My love for the Jazz began because I respect fundamental basketball. I loved watching Stockton, Malone, Hornacek, Russell, and even Eisley had his good moments. Stockton and I also share Washington pride. Stockton played for his hometown university, the Gonzaga Bulldogs. Stockton was the first player in Gonzaga history to score 1,000 points and also collect 500 assists. John Stockton was selected by the Jazz in the 1984 draft. And the rest is history. Steve Nash (another favorite of mine) said this about John, "He is the best point guard of all-time". Enough about the old team, and on with the current team! The beginning of the playoffs was a little rough on the Jazz. With game 3, and 4 victories we are back in the playoffs and need a WIN on Thursday night. I know my grandparents will be listening to the game on the radio, because they don't have cable. My grandma WILL NOT miss a chance to root for her Kirilenko. I never have been a huge fan of the Rockets....EVER! Get em' out of the playoffs! Good luck on Thursday night!
Cell phones are wonderful, except when you experience one dropped call after another. I have never had this problem until the last week. I talked to my mom this morning for 10 minutes. In that short amount of time I had to call her back 3 times. Same thing happened the latter part of last week when I was talking to Natalie. It completely ruins the fun of your phone conversation. I get so frustrated! Why all of the sudden am I have such difficulties?! Can I please just talk on the phone without any interruptions. Alright, I feel better now that I've vented.
Done and Done
Yesterday was my last day of classes at Columbia University! I am pretty happy to be done. To celebrate our last day, a group of friends from school had lunch at one of our favorite local spots, Amsterdam Cafe. Overall, my schooling experience has been positive. However, I did survive the Mormon-hater, culturally obsessed professor. Thankfully we had no run-ins with her on our last day. As much of a cougar fan that I am, I enjoyed going to grad school in a completely different environment. This year has been an interesting year. To be honest, after my dad's emergency, I wasn't sure I would complete the school year. Lots to be grateful for! I will never forget the support and kindness extended to me during this time from my school friends!! Now I get to start the job search, how excited I am for that.
Here we are eating at Amsterdam Cafe
Here we are eating at Amsterdam Cafe
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