Mel and I boarded the plane for NYC, I accidentally rammed a lady with my suitcase and cut her arm, and then tried to hide while she came looking for me on the plane, got conned into taking a taxi to our apartment at $45.00 each for a grand total of NINETY buckaroos(note to visitors: there is a standard $45.00 taxi fee from JFK into the city), scored big time by having a friend that works for MAC make-up, finally broke down and decided we needed to buy air conditioners to survive the heatwave, carry our newly bought, HEAVY air conditioners to the subway (we were frugal then and opted not to spend money on cabs...oh how things have changed!), purchased our cruiser bikes, attended our first roof top party in the big apple, were introduced to money bags, attended the school-hosted booze cruise, committed to being Yankee fans (except when they play the mariners), discovered our favorite local diner, Deluxe, all-night friends and grey's marathons on the air mattress, vowed to never prank phone call again late at night, the holla house came to visit NYC, Mel, Nat and I dressed up as goth angels two nights in a row for Halloween parties, got makeovers at Sephora for 80's Prom night, took a road trip to Beantown on the Fung Wah Bus, etc. etc. The list could continue, but you get the point. I had some pretty fun times in NYC! Mel and I lived it up while we have been here.
Right off the Plane

Somehow I missed this post. You've had an AMAZING year. (That's two in a row now!) Congrats on graduation and everything--you're one heck of a fun girl!
Love you!
Sniff sniff... Good times honey! It really has been quite the year, way to live it UP! And you can always continue the good times by COMING TO VISIT! NYC + Nerak will always be here for random adventures!
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