I got in my first accident Wednesday night. Alright let me rephrase that..my first bumper kiss. Yes, it was my fault. The woman was very kind, but turns out she is trying to claim injuries. Seriously?! People these days...they really do want to soak you for all it is worth. I have A scratch on my car, that is hardly noticeable. Her car appeared to be fine, with maybe a few scratches. It was at a stop light and I was going under 5mph when I dropped my directions, and reached to pick them up and bumped her. Stupid, I know...but I guess things like this happen. It could have been worse. If you look closely, you can see the damage on my car...

My good friend Kellie decided to come visit me this week for a couple of days. I miss this girl in my life. We got up early and headed to Tj Maxx and perhaps spent a little too much money. That store stresses me out usually, and I detest digging through piles and piles of clothes to MAYBE find what you are looking for. However, we were in luck and had piles and piles of clothes in our shopping cart to try on! It was a successful shopping day :) Then we headed to the pool, and Georgetown later that evening. Kellie treated me to dinner at Martin's Tavern, a quaint little restaurant where JFK proposed to Jackie years ago. We also headed to the Lincoln Memorial, which is just fabulous. I get the chills every time I go there and read President Lincoln's address.

Anyway fun times this week...and definitely looking forward to an exciting weekend! Yea for Friday!