Sunday, July 1, 2007

Go Shorty, it's your birthday!

What a fabulous weekend I had! Yes, so maybe it was my birthday on the 29th and I am now the big 2-4! That's not too bad...right?! I think 25 could be a little rough, but I am pretty content with 24. Birthdays are great...but for other people! I am not sure I like the attention, nonetheless it was an excellent day, and am grateful for kind and thoughtful friends and family. My roommates took me out to a Mexican restaurant near the capitol on Wednesday night. Every time I eat Mexican food, I overeat. Does anyone else have this problem? You fill up on chips and salsa before your food arrives, but feel the need to keep shoving food in to finish off your meal. Anyway, this was the first time all four of us went out together...good times! We even dined with the infamous Rob Bishop, who was also seated close to us.

Lisa, Me, Cindee, & Patience

Kristan & I had a fabulous time on Friday doing what we do best: shopping, and eating. Kristan managed to find herself a couple of cute pairs of shoes and maybe a few more items! We met up later with a group of friends from my EAT, yet again! Laura & Tracy were so nice to organize a little get those girls!

Kristan hit jackpot at Nordstrom!

Lisa made a delicious ice cream cake, that we maybe ate for breakfast the next morning!

Saturday morning we slept in, and then decided to have a photo shoot right after we got up. NOT a good idea.

People cannot take pictures. I seriously don't get it. It really isn't that hard. Behind us, is the WWII Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial, but of course that didn't make it in the picture.

We had dinner in Georgetown, on the river! Afterwards we made it to Thomas Sweets for a little scoop of ice cream. Like Karen said, "It is the New York way!" We fortunately made it out of there, to escape the madness. There was a mysterious package...and M Street was almost completely blocked off... the place was crazy!

Saturday night we celebrated my "New York Birthday" Kristan made delicious banana creme pudding (the recipe from Magnolias). I then opened my gifts to find: NY chocolate, frozen hot chocolate packets from Serendipity, a PANTHER FOOTBALL t-shirt, for you FNL fans!!! Loved it! Then, if you can see in the picture there is a photo frame of pictures. If you look closely my wonderful friends went and took pictures at Koronet, the best pizza place in NYC that was a block away from my apartment. Mel and I would often pick up a slice and hmmmm it was tasty. Natalie claims they also have the best coke in the city as well! Great friends, great birthday, and hopefully a great year to come!


Kristan said...

So much fun! It was great seeing you. Can't wait until next time.

Lesley said...

What a great time and fun birthday! You have such nice friends/roomates!!! Glad you had a good one! I miss you and can't wait to talk to you!!! Wish I could have been there to eat out with you at all those delicious looking restaurants!!! Yummmm!!!!

Tracy and Odie said...

hey babe, so glad to have been there to celebrate your birthday with you!

and this is so not the forum, but i can't find your email. :) either way, your new visiting teaching companion is stephanie smith and you visit teach yours truly (and sarah stevenson)! can't wait!

nerak said...

SO MUCH FUN! Pictures on my end will be forthcoming. That morning pic is way too funny... Thanks for not putting the utterly hideous ones up on here. What were we thinking? Love it. Love you! See you in August!

D-dawg said...

SO fun! I went to DC once and saw all the sights and it was fabulous. Looks like you guys had a blast. I like your green shirt too!

NatAttack said...

Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! How much fun you had. Bridging the new and old... always fun.

I WANT A PANTHERS SHIRT. Those girls know/love you well. Can they know/love me well too? Hehehe.

Let's get together, soon, yah yah yah?

Meredith said...

happy birthday to you!!! i hope 24 is as good to you as 23 seemed to be.

grandma said...

I am glad you have some good friends to hang out with. Looks like you had a great birthday!!

Janelle said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!! You certainly celebrated, didn't you Birthday Girl!?! Hope this next year of life is better than ever!