Thursday, July 5, 2007

"They're Coming to America"

What would the fourth of July be without BBQ's, pool parties, water fights, fireworks, and patriotic music? Being new to the ward, my friend Erika and I decided we were going to attempt to be social and party hop around the area. Our first stop was to Bishop Bryant's house in the DC 2nd ward. This brought back a flood of memories from when I interned, and attended the same party two years ago. I even saw the ladies man/intern smoosher that was in the ward when I was there. Don't worry, he was working it with the ladies and I am told he still has his convertible. My good friend Joe was there, we were just waiting for Mike, Mel,& Daveed to show up! We then headed to Virgina for an all out water fight and bbq. By the time this party ended, I was socially exhausted and ready to rest for a bit. It was a crazy day out on the Mall as people were evacuated owing to tornado warnings. Very happy I was not in that mess. My roommate Lisa works for the DOI and had tickets to watch the fireworks at a private event. Our seats were right on Constitution Ave in front of where they set off the fireworks. It was amazing! The party provided free food, a DJ, and great seats! It seriously was the best firework show I'd ever seen. Before the show began, Erika and I took a stroll around the block to get some great shots by the monuments. I don't think there is a better place to celebrate our nation's independence than in the district! Definitely a 4th of July I will not forget!


Lesley said...

WOW!!! I can't believe you were that close!!! How fun! Sounds like a busy, fun day! Wish we could have been there! Love your outfit and your cute polka dot shoes! So cute! Glad you had a good 4th! I miss you!!

D-dawg said...

WOW front row seats. Michele it seems that you always get good hook ups!

NatAttack said...

Fantastic! I love that I had friends in just about every major US city for the 4th. I'm happy you had such a great time!

maWeesa said...

Oh.. that takes me back to the DC days! Glad you had so much honey .. and I'm jealous you got to see Joe! Did you guys sing Whitney?

Joseph said...

Glad I could be a part of your 4th and this post. But we missed a great opportunity to do some Whitney. We'll have to remedy that soon.

Lisa said...

I love the glamour shots of you guys and the monument. I am so glad you came!! It was a lot of fun having you there and for the reminder that it is pretty cool to be in DC on July 4th!

kez said...

Sounds like you had a great time!! Happy 4th of July! (well, post-4th anyway...)
Miss you!

angie said...

Happy 4th Michele! I love your posts about the 4th- we are so blessed. The pics are great... you do get good hook ups!

grandma said...

no better place to be than in our nation's capitol. great pictures

Janelle said...

Yeah, it really can't get better than celebrating Independence Day there! Looks like you had a lot of fun. :)