Saturday, June 16, 2007

"Saturday Is A Special Day"

It is 9:45pm on a Saturday night and I have not left the house today. Your first thoughts may be to feel sorry for me. Please don't. Today was a very productive day. Last night my roommate and I ventured to IKEA in search of a dresser. I really do love that store. Perhaps the quality isn't superb, but the prices are great and it does the job for those of us on budgets! My bedroom has been driving me crazy because it is so messy and cluttered. I need one area in my life to feel settled! My goal for today was to put this dresser together. I started at about noon and finished it up around 5pm. That's right. It took me 5 hours (minus a lunch break) to complete this task. Oh, but it was worth it. My clothes are now nicely put into drawers, and not in boxes on my floor. I also hung up pictures in my room, and it is really starting to come together. Anyway, I am pretty proud of my mad assembling skills. Better go change my laundry. Check out my new dresser!


Lesley said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!! Jared and I are very impressed Michele! It looks really good! I really like the color and the look of it and your flowers look really cute sitting on it! :) Glad you were so productive today and that you are getting settled in!

nerak said...

Ha! I remember when I built my dresser and nightstand... It was an all night endeavor but I was so proud I did it all by my lonesome! Then again, the drawers are a little finnicky...

Looking forward to seeing your dresser (and you!) in real life SOON!

Kristan said...

LOVE IT! I remember putting my dresser together. It took me at least 3 hours - and I made Karen help. So proud of you. Can't wait to see your room :)

janellelee said...

i am a big ikea fan!! love the dresser...i am impressed with you skills!

Janelle said...

Cute cute! Add "handywoman" to your resume!