Thursday, June 21, 2007

Trivia for the Day

Who can name this song? This is cracking me up right now. I found this online and had to share. I don't want to give too many clues, because whoever can name this song will be one of my favorite people! This is quite an old song (1990), and a family favorite back in the day.

"LaVell, what do you think? It will be a very, very emotional game. Touchdown! Let me tell you a story, bold and true about the cougars of BYU. Zoobies kind of different, they always stick out, never seem to have no national clout. Provo's kind of sleepy tell about September first, then they fill the stadium tell it's ready to burst. Return missionaries, coeds making noise, blue and white hats and the Osmond boys. The place starts to rock, the crowd starts to scream, no drugs alcohol or even caffeine, they say you're so straight do you have any fun, yeah, we beat number 1 teams on television.

LaVell and his staff travel to every nation, looking for the latest high school sensation. North, south, east, west, it seems the islands LaVell loves best. He goes to Hawaii and don't you know- a, then he slips on over to Samoa, while he's there, there is nothing wrong-a, then he grabs a few studs from over in Tonga...."

This great song continues, but if you know it, you will know it by this point. I am such a dork right now. But this is just a funny memory for me...I maybe have the tape and would play it to annoy my roommates in SLC before the BYU vs Utah game. No more clues. Guess away!


Kristan said...

Okay, I have NEVER heard anything like that. Hi-fraking-larious! I mean I didn't grow up in the West, so that probably explains it, but CLASSIC.

Lesley said...

The Ty's man or is it the Heisman rap of course!!!! Ttttyyyyyy Detmer!!!!!! :) LOVE IT!!!! Good memories is right! How funny that you came across this song! Thanks, it made my day!

MishMyBelle said...

We have a winner....nice work Les! Yes, this is the infamous Tysman Rap, written by Johnny Biscuit, when Ty Detmer won the Heisman. Les, how did we even get that tape?

Liz said...

ha! michele, i think i have a memory of you singing this in the dorms sometime!! i love it!

Unknown said...

Does anyone have a copy of this somewhere? Maybe in an MP3 or something? Also, does anyone remember another rap that was made by some of the players? They gave it out at the blue and white game before the season, and they also had watermelon. Do you remember what that was called?